My new roommate Viktor

Posted on Jul 7th, 2010 by Jeanne Golan

Increasingly, seems as if Viktor Ullmann has moved into my apartment.  Now juggling the learning/practicing of all four ‘odd’ sonatas, I hear these melodies in my sleeping and waking hours, find myself humming them as I walk (not run) errands, move the car from side to side in the time-honored alternate side parking culture that is distinct to NYC.  I finger musical passages in the air when not at the keyboard.  Am also discovering more about Ullmann as a person.  Poking around the web, some books on order.  Had a lovely coffee when I was in Boston with Steve Lipsitt, who I’ve known since college and found out will be conducting Ullmann’s opera this season!  Was such a pleasure to talk with someone who has spent considerable time with this music, even discovering some convergences between the piano pieces and the opera.

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